Jan St. Werner presents Felder

14. April 2016
20h - 21h

Frank Dommert (a-musik/sonig) mixes selected and unreleased material from Jan St. Werner’s Fiepblatter Catalogue into a special set at the a-musik recordstore.

Come in and listen or stream (link coming soon)

a-musik, Kleiner Griechenmarkt 28-30, 50676 Köln

Throughout the month of April, in conjunction with the release of his new record Felder, Jan St. Werner (of Mouse on Mars) and a curated group of artists and performers will be offering unique, individual interpretations of the album. 

“Felder” means “fields” in German, referring here to “unstable territories, radiation, musical situations without distinct boundaries happening simultaneously but not necessarily synced.” Werner elaborates: “It is possible to interpret Felder without using any of the original material. The rework can be played by a brass band or read as a story. It can also be a collaborative performance or an electronic playback piece for a radio station or a sound installation in a gallery or someone’s living room. Whether the installation is about sound, light or words is up to the invited artists.”

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