a-musik staff picks june 2014

Ambarchi/O'Malley/Dunn, Shade Themes From Kairos 2LP (Drag City)
Jef Gilson et Malagasy, S/t 5LP/4CD (Jazzman)
Angkanang Kunchai with Ubon-Pattana Band, Isan Lam Plearn LP/CD (EM Records)
Kemialliset Ystävät, Alas Rattoisaa Virtaa LP (Dekorder)
Malayeen, S/t LP (Discrepant)
Quasi Dub Development, Little-Twister vs Stiff-Neck LP/CD (Pingipung)
Sani Mamman, Taaritt LP (Sahel Sounds)
Sleaford Mods, Divide and Exit LP/CD (Harbinger Sounds)
The Soundcarriers, Entropicalia LP/CD (Ghost Box)
V.A., Bosporus Bridges - A Wide Selection of Turkish Jazz and Funk 1969-1978 LP (Twimo Records)

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