Wien at Waddesdon

Waddesdon Manor is a fanciful place. Designed by Gabriel-Hippolyte Destailleur as Loire château in the middle of the Aylesbury Vale, it was home to Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild. The house, its cellars and the large estate (previously farmland) were given to the National Trust, with Rothschild family involvement, after the war and it has since become one of the Trust's most popular properties.

The Rothschilds were originally of Ashkenazi Jewish stock, descendants of the Frankfurt-based financier Mayer Amschel Rothschild, and they flourished in Vienna during the 19th century, providing much needed capital when the established aristocracy's money ran out fighting Napoleon. Like the Ephrussis, the Todescos and other wealthy Jewish families, the Rothschilds and their palaces dominated Gründerzeit Vienna, including the Palais Albert Rothschild in Wieden, the city's Fourth District, which was also designed by Gabriel-Hippolyte Destailleur.

It is that heritage which Waddesdon acknowledges this Christmas with a series of Austrian-themed events. There is an Austrian afternoon tea, merging the Best of British – as Drax says in Moonraker, 'you have arrived at a propitious moment, considered to be your country's one indisputable contribution to Western Civilization: Afternoon tea' – no doubt with a salver of the finest Demel-like creations, as well as an Austrian evening at the Manor.

The decorations through the Manor are equally indebted to the family's Viennese heritage and conclude a five-year tour of the countries where the founding sons of the Rothschild dynasty made their fortunes. The East Wing and Bachelors' Wing will be decorated with greenery and berries, with baubles and trinkets from the Austrian tradition. The displays also feature historic costume, including the stunning court dress and train made in Vienna and worn by Rozsika Rothschild, grandmother of the present Lord Rothschild, and the dress uniform worn by Baron James de Rothschild as Consul General of Austria. Click here for more information.

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